Opens your Web Browser and goes to the “Comments and Suggestion” page. This page allows you to make comments and suggestions about the “RealPlayer Plus.”
Checks with the RealMedia site to see if there is a later version of the RealPlayer available.
Opens your Web Browser and goes to the RealMedia Help and Technical Support page.
Opens your Web Browser and goes to the “Technical Support KnowledgeBase,” the KnowledgeBase allows you to search for answers to your questions by keywords.
Opens your Web Browser and goes to the “Most Common Questions” page.
Use this menu to direct your Web Browser to various help pages at the Progressive Networks Website.
This option is not available because there is no next clip.
Select this option to play the next clip in a multi-clip RealMedia file (.ram) or when scanning.
This option is not available because there is no previous clip.
Select this option to play the previous clip in a multi-clip RealMedia file (.ram) or when scanning.
Use the options in this menu to play the previous or next clip in a multi-clip RealMedia file (.ram) and when scanning.
Start playing this RealMedia clip.
Shows or hides the Connection Statistics window.
Hides the Connection Statistics window.
Shows the Connection Statistics window.
Shows or hides the Preset and Scan buttons.
Hides the Preset and Scan buttons.
Shows the Preset and Scan buttons.
Shows or hides the status bar.
Hides the status bar.
Shows the status bar.
Shows or hides the clip information (Title, Author, Copyright) and the volume control.
Hides the clip information (Title, Author, Copyright) and the volume control.
Shows the clip information (Title, Author, Copyright) and the volume control.
Use this menu to hide and show various elements of the RealPlayer.